Article Exchange Listener
Process Article Exchange files attached to the request
Copies are pulled from the AE system and inserted into NRE/VDX for distribution.
Circulation Client
Processes NCIP messages
If configured
DocFind Requester
Builds and sorts Lending String/Rota for borrowing requests
Lending String/Rota locations are filtered and sorted.
DocFind Responder
Checks catalog to verify that lending library
- owns the title
- the item is available
- places hold if NCIP is configured
If any of the checks fail the system do one of the following:
1. Answer Non-Supply or
2. Place request in "New Request" queue
General Email Receiver
Receives and processes VDX formatted email requests
Generic Script Driver
Generic Script Receiver
Processes Generic Script protocol email requests
ISO-ILL Driver
ISO-ILL IP Listener
ISO-ILL Mail Listener
ISO-ILL Receiver
Processes ISO ILL requests
Receives and sends ISO ILL requests to external ILL systems
Integrated ILL
Process internal consortia requests
User Alerting Agent
Sends alerts to patrons
If configured