Authorization Statuses
AUTH - Authorized
Used by: Borrower/Requester and Lender/Responder.
Both Borrower/Requester and Lender/Responder use this to Authorize an outgoing message. Request messages may have been submitted by end users, in which case it is down to ILL staff or DocFind Requester to check that the request is valid and sensible before 'authorizing' it for transmission. All other outgoing messages are normally defaulted to Authorized since they are created by ILL staff who know what they are doing.
Setting the Authorization Status to Authorized tells the ILL drivers that they are free to transmit this message. The ILL drivers will set Authorization Status to Processed if they transmit successfully, or Check-Error if the transmission fails.
CHKER - Check Error
Used by: Borrower/Requester and Lender/Responder.
An ILL Driver has failed to transmit this request message. The reason will be in the ill_log_messages table.
TAUTH - To be Authorized
Used by: Borrower/Requester side only.
This tells DocFind Requester to process this message.
UAUTH - Un-Authorized
Used by: Borrower/Requester side only.
This tells the requesting user that their request has been rejected by the ILL staff (or DocFind Requester).
MAUTH - For Manual Authorization
Used by: Borrower/Requester and Lender/Responder.
This outgoing message needs to be authorized by a member of staff.
This can also imply that this message is being worked on and is not yet ready to be transmitted.
Tip: use a custom Process Status to indicate this more explicitly.
PROC - Processed
Used by: Borrower/Requester and Lender/Responder.
An ILL driver has successfully transmitted this message.
Used by: Borrower/Requester and Lender/Responder.
An incoming message has arrived but has not been viewed or processed by anyone or anything. By default, a request remains at Unread until it is marked as Read. Alternatively when you view the details of a request it may be automatically marked as read, depending on your Resource Group permissions set by OCLC NRE/VDX Support. The intermediary/gateway driver will process incoming messages with Unread Status, and DocFind Responder will automatically process any incoming REQUEST messages with this Status. The gateway driver and DocFind Responder will set the Status to Read when they have successfully processed an incoming message.
Used by: Borrower/Requester and Lender/Responder.
An incoming ILL message has been looked at by ILL staff, or Gateway driver, or DocFind Responder. This is useful in work-flow terms since ILL staff can ignore incoming messages that are Read because they know that someone or something has already had a look at them.
WAIT - Waiting
TACMF - Check Mandatory Fields
TACLM - Check Local Catalog
TACRM - Check Remote Catalog
TATBR - To be Routed
These are all internal statuses used by DocFind Requester and/or DocFind Responder to track where they are while processing a request message.
TACM - Check Manual
Used by: Borrower (Requester) only.
DocFind Requester has found a problem and is handing the request over to ILL staff to deal with. The problem will be reported in the ill_log_messages table. DocFind Requester can also be configured through to automatically Un-Authorize requests it has problems with.
AMAM - AutoMediated:AuthManual
Used by: Borrower (Requester) only.
DocFindRequester has approved the outgoing request message but is not configured to auto-authorize it, so it is handing the Request over to a staff person to authorize. DocFind Requester can also be configured through to automatically Authorize requests that it approves of.
ROTA - Apply Administrator Rota
Used by: Borrower (Requester) only.
ILL staff member wishes to re-submit the request to DocFind Requester - this time using their UserLocDefaults routing rules instead of those of the requesting user. This would normally be done if the request has been through DocFind Requester and has come out with an empty rota and gone to Check Manual.
AACM - AutoAcknowledge:CheckManual
Used by: Lender/Responder only.
DocFind Responder has found a problem processing an incoming REQUEST message and has referred it to staff.
FMA - For Manual Acknowledgment
DocFind Responder has successfully processed an incoming request message but is not allowed to acknowledge it - so it hands it over to ILL staff to complete. DocFind Responder can also be configured to auto-reject or auto-acknowledge incoming REQUEST messages.
DocFind Requester can be configured to automatically check outgoing Request messages so that ILL staff need only deal with the difficult cases that DocFind Requester hands over to them.
All other outgoing messages are usually defaulted to 'Authorized' - because they are created by ILL staff who process requests correctly.
DocFind Responder can be configured to automatically check incoming Request messages and attempt to find the satisfying item and send back appropriate ILL-Answer messages. This takes most of the workload off the ILL staff who need only deal with the difficult cases that DocFind Responder hands over to them.
All other incoming messages are usually defaulted to 'Unread'.
Certain incoming message types can be configured to auto-acknowledge, if ILL staff have no need to check their contents.
Certain incoming message types can be configured to auto-complete - if they are guaranteed to signal the end of a transaction (like a Shipped message in a Copy transaction).
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[Doc#: 1035 - Authorisation Statuses]