After obtaining a bibliographic record using a search in VDX Web Admin, you can use the bibliographic details from the record to form the basis of a new ILL request. To do this:
1.Click the Request button in the hit-list display alongside the details of the record you wish to request
2.OR click the Request button above the details display.
3.At this point if you have been searching VDX anonymously (not logged in), you are prompted to do so now before the ILL request can proceed.
4.VDX imports the bibliographic information from the record into the appropriate fields of the ILL request. If necessary, this default information can be modified or deleted. Additional information can also be added.
5. Depending on your organizations policy you may have Patron Details enabled. The availability of this functionality is subject to the configuration of resource groups by OCLC NRE/VDX Support.
6.If so, in the Web Admin.Client you need to first check the validity of the end user for whom you are creating the request - scroll down to 'Patron Details'. Enter the patron barcode and click on the validate button. If there is a problem with the user record VDX reports it now. Otherwise the client details are copied into the ILL request.
7.Create your request details on the request input form and click on request. Notes on completing these fields are given in the links below.
8.If configured, your request will now go through the Docfind-request process. This will search suitable locations and identify where the item is held. Depending on the quality of the data within the records, it may also filter out those locations that do not match exactly e.g. do not hold a particular volume/issue. It will create a rota for you and send your request to the first library on the list.
9.The request’s status will automatically change from IDLE to PENDING.
When creating a request using catalog details from a retrieved record, the bibliographic details are defaulted. Many other fields can also have default values populated according to VDX configuration. Check with your organization for local policy.
Each section of the Request form is 'fold-able', e.g. Item Details. Click the right arrow / down arrow to open / close the section.
For information on completing specific fields see Request Details.
On completing the details of the ILL request click the request button. VDX displays a New Request Screen. This shows the request number and brief 'printable' request details.
Check the progress of the request by finding and monitoring the request using the ILL Request Search screen.
Alternatively, if you cannot find an existing bibliographic record using a search in VDX Web Admin, click on 'Create Request' to display a blank ILL request form.
Related Topics
•About Requests
•Authorizing Users Requests
•Completing the request form
•Finding End Users Requests for Requests
•Finding Incoming Requests
•Monitoring Outgoing Requests
•Standard Searching
[Doc#: 1037 - Creating Requests Using Retrieved Catalog Details]