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Finding End Users Requests for Requests




Finding End Users Requests for Requests

End users can create requests using ZPORTAL. VDX can be configured in various ways to process requests from end users -

all new requests can require manual authorization by an ILL administrator at the requesting location

all new requests can be set for automatic authorization of requests that have successfully met certain criteria. In this case the request can be sent to the first potential responding location on the rota without any prior action from the requesting ILL administrator

all new requests can be set for automatic checking - auto-mediation causing many fields to be defaulted into the record, but still require intervention by the ILL administrator for final authorization; the Authorization Status for these requests is AutoMediated:AuthManual

if a request does not pass a check for automatic authorization the Authorization Status can be check manual

if a request does not pass a check for automatic authorization the Authorization Status can be unauthorized

For details of how your system is configured check locally with your organization. You will need to know what status requests are left in when a user places a new request so that you can search for them using the correct Authorization Status.

To search for requests you use the ILL Request Search screen


Example1: Find requests with the Authorization Status AutoMediated:AuthManual

This status means that the end user request details have been checked by VDX and that VDX is configured to hold the request until an ILL Administrator has checked the details. The requests obtained in this search have an ILL state of Idle because they have not yet been processed and authorized.


1.Click the requests button in the left hand menu pane.

2.This takes you to the ILL Request Search Screen.

3.In Your Library's role, select Borrower (Requester).

4.In Request Status: Authorization Status select AutoMediated:AuthManual from the pull down box.

5.Click the search button.

6.VDX displays a hit-list of requests with the authorization status AutoMediated:AuthManual.

7.To open the request and process / authorize click the details button.



Example 2: Find requests that have been rejected

If a request does not pass automatic checking it can have an authorization status = unauthorized.


1.Click the requests button in the left hand menu pane.

2.This takes you to the ILL Request Search Screen.

3.In Your Library's role select Borrower (requester)

4.In Request Status: Authorization Status select unauthorized from the pull down box.

5.Click the search button.

6.VDX displays a hit-list of requests with this authorization status.

7.To view rejection details expand an individual request by clicking the details button and look at the request notes at the foot of the record.



Related Topics


About Requests

Authorisation Statuses

Authorizing Users Requests

Completing the request form

ILL Request Search

ILL Statuses

Monitoring Outgoing Requests

Progress Requests Failing Validation



[Doc#: 1041 - Finding End Users Requests for Requests]





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