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ILL Request Search




To access this screen click on Requests in the left hand pane. This displays either a Standard requests search or an Advanced requests search or the Work Queue, depending on how your system is configured. To change the default display click on either Standard Search or Advanced Search at the top of the screen. The simple search is designed to deliver the search results with better performance. The advanced search may take longer to display results as it provides more complex search options (though a similar search in either screen will take a similar length of time).


Standard Search

The Standard search retrieves Requests that are 'yours', whether you are the requesting or lending location.

By default all searches, except those on ILL Numbers, exclude Complete, Canceled, and Supplied ILLs.


ILL Numbers - ILL no (i.e. Our Number), Our Local Number, TQ, TGQ (i.e. Their Number), STQ, Supplier Ref Number

You can search on a unique number that could identify the request (no prefix required). Enter only one number and Search. Any of the following types of number are possible: ILL number, Our Local Number, Transaction Qualifier, Transaction Group Qualifier, Sub-transaction Qualifier, and Supplier Reference number if present. This search returns an ILL request whatever the status.


Item Number

 Search using the barcode number of the physical item.



Search using the ISBN, ISSN, ISMN.


Requested Title

Search using any words in the Title. The search terms are 'normalized' so that search input is converted to lower case, punctuation is removed, word stemming occurs ('farming', 'farmer', 'farms' = 'farm'), removal of leading articles (a, an, the..), and right truncation. Note it is recommended you do not use a wildcard (%) at the beginning of the of search terms as this will adversely affect performance especially on large databases.


Patron Barcode

Do an exact match search on the client barcode. After entering, the barcode is automatically upper-cased for you.


Patron Name

Search on the name of the requesting user. This searches on whatever is in the Name field which is usually the users full name - but there is no need to search on exact whole name. For example search on Matthews not Jonathon C Matthews. The search is right truncated and terms are also 'normalized' (e.g. McArthur = macarthur); not case sensitive.


Request Due Date

Search on the date when the request is due back at the responding library, Oracle format (01 Jan 2010).


Borrower Code

Search on all requests you have received from a specific requesting library. Enter the code present in the Location details record.


Lender Code

Search on all requests you have sent to a specific lender/responder. Enter the code present in the Location details record.


Search Bureau

If you are a Bureau user you have the option to check this box to cause all standard searches to operate across all the member locations of the currently active Bureau.


Edit Searches

Found on the top right of the screen. Click this link to go to another page where you can choose which of the above searches you wish to have displayed in the Standard search screen.


In the list of searches, check or uncheck the boxes of the ones you wish to include / exclude.


Advanced Search

Note, that by default, unless explicit request numbers are being searched on, these search results deliberately exclude completed and not supplied requests.

The various filters listed below allow the searcher to override these defaults.

So for instance, to get all known requests for a given user barcode, you'd need to ensure that the result set includes both the following filters:

"Display not-supplied requests" AND "Include Completed requests".


Your Library's Role: click to view options

This allows you to select:


    Requests where you are the Lender: Requests sent from other locations to your location i.e. when your location is the (Lender/Responder Location.


    Requests, where you are Borrower:  Requests sent to other locations from your location i.e. when your location is the (Borrower/Requester Location. These will be requests made by your Patrons or on behalf of Patrons at your location.

    Both will retrieve incoming Lender requests and outgoing Borrower requests that match your other criteria.



Search Filters: click to view options

Display Sent messages only: excludes new Requests that have yet to be transmitted (e.g. Requests still at Idle).

Display Terminated requests: search only returns requests where the Terminate flag is set in the database and the request will not be sent to any locations on the rota.

Display Not Supplied requests: excludes those requests where the supplier side ILL Action has gone to Not Supplied (or the request is manually set to Not Supplied).

Search Bureau: if you are a Bureau user you have the option to check this box to cause all standard searches to operate across all the member locations of the currently active Bureau.

Do not include Completed requests: the default setting. Completed requests are deliberately excluded from the search results.

Include Completed requests: instead of the above, completed requests are deliberately included from the search results.

Completed requests only: search results only includes those requests that match other selected criteria and have been Completed.


Other fields

This section allows you to select requests by ILL Numbers, bibliographic details, or by borrower/requester details. Select the field from the pull-down menu, enter the term you want to use to search and then combine (if required) with another term using AND, OR or AND NOT operators. For example, you could search for the progress of outgoing requests for a specific End User. Note that ILL Numbers includes all forms of Request number - ILLno, TGQ, TQ, STQ, User Reference and Supplier Reference.


Sort by allows you to choose a field from the list box by which to order the list of requests. See below: Sorting the hit-list.


Format allows you to define the output of the search. Standard is used as the default and displays brief records. Print can be used to display full details of each request allowing you to page through records one-by-one and print out individual request records if required.


After completing your selections, press the Search button at the bottom of the screen.


The Hit-list

Both standard and advanced searches provide the same type of hit-list. For each item listed you can select:

an appropriate action from the pull-down list and the Action button to perform the action.

to complete a request, select Complete from the pull down list and click on the action button.



 the Mark as Read icon to mark incoming requests as read/acknowledged. It is only shown for requests with an authorization status of Unread, AutoAcknowledge:CheckManual or For Manual Acknowledgment. Requests remain Unread until you manually set to Read unless your Resource Group permissions are set so that requests are automatically acknowledged when you view the full request details page. 


 the Details icon to display the full request.


 the Print icon to print the request to a selected printer.


 the 'note' icon indicates that there is a new note to read. Click the icon to view the text of the most recent Public note.

Tip: When the Details record is closed, the user is automatically returned to the current request on the hit-list.


Sorting the hit-list

After obtaining a list of results in the hit-list, you can choose to sort the list of Requests into a different order, e.g. Requested Title. (In the ILL Advanced Search screen, this option is also available before executing the search).

1.In the Sort by drop down, choose the preferred sort criteria.

2.Check whether you want the newly sorted results in ascending or descending order.

3.Click the Sort button.

Use the second Sort by drop down if you want to further sort the results - e.g. by Requester Location and within that ILL No.

Tip: If you Save a search this also saves the currently active sort option.


'Book slip' report

If configured on your system, you can output data about a specific Request, e.g. to print a 'book slip' report.


Related Topics


Finding End Users Requests for Requests

Finding Incoming Requests

Monitoring Incoming Requests

Monitoring Outgoing Requests



[Doc#: 1044 - ILL Request Search]





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