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Monitoring Outgoing Requests




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You can use the VDX Web Admin. interface to monitor incoming and outgoing requests. To do this you use the ILL Request Search screen. Click on requests in the left hand pane to access this screen. There are a number of searches you can perform to retrieve the requests you want. Note that all searches are restricted to requests where your own location is either the Borrower/Requester or the Lender/Responder, unless you are operating as a Bureau user.


The Lender/Responder Location may send messages back to you to confirm that the item has been shipped, not supplied, etc. These cause the Authorization Status of the request to be updated to: Unread. If a note has been added by the responder, a 'note' icon will be displayed against the request in the hit-list.


Authorization status = Unread

Tip: You can monitor the progress of requests which are updated automatically by the lender/responder Location by using a search that has Authorization Status = Unread. This is always limited to requests from your location.

To check whether you are the Requesting Location or the Responding Location:

1.In the hit-list of requests click details .

2.Scroll down to the end of the request record to the History section.

3.This displays an audit trail. Where this indicates REQUEST then you are the requesting location; where REQUEST- indication is displayed then you are the responding location. 

4.If the lender/responder has sent back a note, a 'click-able' action will be displayed. Click on this action to display the message in a pop-up window.

If you operate as a lender/responder Location to another organization, or if you operate an inter-branch loans service, you will also need to monitor for incoming requests on a regular basis, and respond to them accordingly.

Tip: All new requests received for your location are at status In Process. 

Performing an Action

Whenever you want to respond to the latest status of a request you perform an action on it. This can send another ILL message to the responding location.

1.In the hit-list of ILL requests, a list of valid Actions is available in a drop down box. (Only valid ILL responses are listed depending on: ILL protocol - Current status - Valid transition states - Possible actions).

2.Click the arrow on the drop down box to choose the action.

3.Click the Action button to obtain the relevant action details screen. The new screen provides relevant fields associated with that Action.

4.Complete the details for e.g. Action:Received and click on the button e.g. Ship to submit the action.

5.A confirmation message shows if the action was successful.

You can perform Actions on ongoing requests to record receipt, to cancel a request etc. Over 30 Actions are provided in VDX. The usual valid Actions for the current state of the request are made available.

Note that a single action can also be performed on several requests simultaneously - Multiple Request Processing.

Reports List

A relevant 'book slip' printout can be obtained from the Request details page. A report outputs data about the current Request such as Standard Received List (for Requests where you are the Borrower). The PDF file containing the request details can then be printed.

The reports available depend on permissions for your user and whether or not this feature is enabled on your system by OCLC NRE/VDX Support. To run a report:

1.From the hit-list click the Details link to display full details.

2.From the Reports Available drop down select which report you would like to run.

3.Click the Run button.

4.You can print or save the PDF display.

Other Web Admin Reports are also available.

ILL Statuses (ISO)

From the point when a request is created and sent to a lender/responder location to the point where the request is satisfied, a number of messages may be sent between the requesting location and the Responder(s). According to the last event that occurred, the valid status of the request is displayed. See the statuses listed here, especially from the viewpoint of the requesting location, to determine their meaning. For each stage in the lifecycle of a request there are corresponding ILL Actions and Statuses.

Locking and unlocking Requests

This allows you to assign Requests to yourself or to others for working with later, so that no other VDX user can update them. Unlock allows you to subsequently unlock a Request you had previously assigned. Permissions to allocate requests to yourself and to others is configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support. 

1.Click the check box next to the item you want to lock.

2.At the top of the page click the Lock button. The drop down displays your user name by default. Alternatively you can allocate the Request to other users in your Location / Bureau displayed in the drop down - if they have User can be allocated Requests permission.

3.VDX states the item was locked successfully.

4.When the results are refreshed, the item appears in red font and a padlock icon displays next to the Title.

To subsequently unlock the Request, click the Unlock button.

Actioning a request successfully will also always automatically unlock a request. 

DocFind Requester

This is an automatic process that may be configured at your organization (check with local policy). Potentially it can remove much of the mundane work of the requesting librarian by validating the request before transmission, and automatically compiling a list of potential suppliers for the rota. This is based on items located via Z39.50 searching, library groupings and other Borrower (Requester)-defined filtering and sorting rules.


Related Topics


About Reporting

About Requests

Canceling a Request

Completing a Request

Completing the request form

Email Requests

Finding End Users Requests for Requests

Finding Incoming Requests

Progress Requests Failing Validation

Receiving a Requested Item

Renewing a Loan Item

Returning a Loan Item

Terminating a Request



[Doc#: 1051 - Monitoring Outgoing Requests]





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