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Renewing a Loan Item




Where a loan item is received from a lender/responder location , it is possible to send a renewal message to the lender/responder.  

1.In the left hand menu pane click the requests button

2.Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record.

3.Locate the item in the hit-list and use the drop down box to select the Renew action .

4.Click the Action button. This displays the Renew Action screen.

5.Use the date picker calendar to enter a value in Desired due-date if required.

6.Enter other details as required.

7.Click on Renew button to submit action..

The action of RECEIVED must have been performed first on the item before Renew is possible.

When a VDX lender/responder receives a renewal request the status of the Request appears as RENEW/PENDING. The lender/responder can choose from the actions RENEW ANSWER-YES and RENEW ANSWER-No. Renew Answer-Yes allows the desired due date to be edited.  


Due Back Dates

When the supplier sends the RENEW ANSWER-YES request message you can view the suppliers due date, and your local due date. Your local due date is when the end user should return the item back to the loaning library. For example the Suppliers due date could be 30 July but the local due date is calculated as 27 July. The end user should return the item by 27 July allowing 3 days for the library to send back to the supplier. VDX calculates the date from the supplier’s original renewal date minus the offset days present in User Location Defaults. To view the dates:

1.In the hit list of requests click details button.

2.Scroll down the record to Additional Service Details Section.

3.Due Date is the date when the item is due back at the suppliers (as entered by the supplier)

4.Desired Due Date is the due date requested in the renewal action.

5.Local Due Date is when the end user should return the item 

To change the Local Due Date:

1.Click Results to go back to the hit list of requests.

2.For the renewed item select Local Change Request Details. Click Action.

3.In the request details go to the Additional Service Details section

4.To change the Local Due Date click the Calendar and pick a date.

5.Click on Save to submit the changes. This is now the date when the end user should return the item to the loaning library.

Patron Renewal

If ZPORTAL is installed for end user searching and requesting, then end users can also renew requests. When the end user renews a loan item VDX sends an ILL message for renewal to the supplier (with an Authorization Status of Authorized or For Manual Authorization depending on User Location Defaults: Privileges configuration). The ILL Status will be displayed to staff as Renew Pending and to end users as Renewal Requested.

When the lender/responder sends a Renew-Reply=Yes indication, the History (Audit) section displays the new due Date and the new Local Due Date (calculated from the offset days in User Location Defaults)). If the lender/responder sends a Renew-Reply=No indication then the original dates remain.

Related Topics


Completing the request form

ILL Actions and Statuses

ILL Request Search

Returning a Loan Item



[Doc#: 1059 - Renewing a Loan Item]





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