Request Details
Click on any section below to view details.
Request Transaction details
Authorization Status
Until the request is actually transmitted this refers to the status of the request. Once a message has been transmitted this refers to the status of the current ILL request message. An End User’s request can be Un-authorized by the ILL Administrator if the request should not go ahead. When a request is authorized and picked up by a driver it’s Status is Processed. The request can be submitted as "To Be Authorized" if you wish to have the system build the rota automatically, or the request can be submitted as "for manual authorization" if you wish to enter rota locations manually.
See also Authorization Statuses.
Item Format
This defines a material/media type combination. It also defines the ILL request material type. When creating a request from retrieved bibliographic details, the item format will be completed according to the material type in the bibliographic record.
Records retrieved from journal article and non- bibliographic databases may not contain a material type. You can select the appropriate Item Format in VDX - Article Printed / On-line, Ejournal, Print Journal. The Item Format determines the fields that are displayed in the bibliographic Item Details.
Service Details
Service Type
E.g Loan, Copy non returnable. If first choice cannot be supplied, other choices will be used in order of preference. The default for the item format (as configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support) will be displayed. Override (or add additional preferences) by selecting from the pull-down boxes.
Note that for communication with the British Library, Service Types are cumulative and not alternatives.
Media Type
E.g. Printed. If first choice cannot be supplied, other choices will be used in order of preference. Leave blank if the default media type preferences from the ILL User Location default record are required. Override (or add additional preferences) by selecting from the pull-down boxes.
Whereas Item Format is derived from the bibliographic record, Media Type specifies how the requested item should be delivered to the patron/end user. For instance, the patron/end user may locate a Printed Journal, but actually be asking for a Photocopy or machine readable version.
Copyright Type
The copyright agreement existing between the End User and the Borrower (Requester) Location. Defaulted value set by User Location Defaults. Copyright fields only available for certain Item Formats: Article On-line, Article Printed, Ejournal, Part of Book, Patent, Print Journal, Report, Thesis.
Copyright Signed
Select whether Not Applicable, Signature Obtained, Signature Required. Copyright fields only available for certain Item Formats: Article On-line, Article Printed, Ejournal, Part of Book, Patent, Print Journal, Report, Thesis.
Item Details - Book, Book on CD/Tape, Braille Book, Part of Book, Patent, Report
Our Local Number
Enter a local request number that you may wish to use in addition to the request number allocated by VDX. You will be able to search for requests using this number.
The title of the requested item. Up to 2000 chars. This is the title of the Book, Book on CD/Tape, Braille Book, Part of Book, Patent, Report.
Subtitle of the requested item. Up to 2000 chars.
Primary author of requested item. Up to 2000 chars
Series Title & Numbering
Series Title Up to 2000 chars.
Sponsoring Body
Sponsoring body, for example when cataloging items that are conference proceedings. Up to 2000 chars.
Publisher name. Up to 240 chars
Place of Publication
Place of publication of the requested item. Up to 240 chars.
Free text publication date of the requested item. Up to 240 chars.
Edition statement of the requested item. Up to 240 chars.
Item Description
Physical description details, e.g. 320 p. : ill.
ISBN of the requested item. Note there is no form of validation performed on the ISBN. This is to accommodate new 13 character ISBNs for example.
The volume number details if present.
Enter the universal Product Code or EAN) . This is the barcode that can be used to uniquely identify CDs etc
Classification. Up to 240 chars.
Item Note
The item note is treated as being part of the bibliographic description of the requested item It is displayed wherever the request’s bibliographic details are displayed. It is always sent as part of the Request message to all lenders in the rota.
Up to 2000 characters can be sent and it can be used to to send important additional item information, for example 'Large Print Version' or 'First Edition Only' or to indicate that the Visually Impaired declaration form is completed, signed and on your files. These are notes attached to the ILL request – both outgoing from borrower (requester) and incoming from lenders (responders).
It is displayed on the brief request display under the heading 'notes' and on the full display under the heading 'item note'.
Well Known Control Numbers
This box shows the list of extracted control numbers. This box will only be visible if it has been configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support to be displayed on the Request Entry form.
A single list of control numbers is displayed - sorted alphabetically by control-number-type. Additional 'well-known' control numbers can be entered by choosing a control number type, entering the number and clicking on 'Add'.
An existing control number can be edited by highlighting the number to be edited in the control number box, updating the control number in the input field and clicking on 'Update'.
Note: It is only possible to enter ”well-known” number types. Local control numbers cannot be entered as they may not be recognizable to all rota locations.
Item Details - Article On-line, Article Printed, Ejournal, Print Journal
Our local number
Enter a local request number that you may wish to use in addition to the request number allocated by VDX. You will be able to search for requests using this number.
Journal Title
Up to 2000 chars. This is the journal title of a serial.
Publisher name. Up to 240 chars.
ISSN of the requested item. Up to 240 chars.
Enter issue details directly. Up to 2000 chars.
Part Date
Enter the date of publication for a specific volume / issue.
Classification. Up to 240 chars.
Article Details:
Title details of an Article/Paper/Part/Chapter.
Author details of the Article/Paper/Part/Chapter.
Pagination of Article/Part/Paper/Chapter. Up to 240 chars.
Additional Nos
Other unique details - free text, e.g. CODEN. Up to 2000 chars.
Reference Source
Verification source, free text. Up to 2000 chars. Usually this is automatically populated with the name of the database where the bibliographic details were retrieved.
Item Note
Use Item Note to send the lender important additional item information like 'Large Print Version' or 'First Edition Only' or to indicate that the Visually Impaired declaration form is completed, signed and on your files.
Well Known Control Numbers
This box shows the list of extracted control numbers. This box will only be visible if it has been configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support to be displayed on the Request Entry form.
A single list of control numbers is displayed - sorted alphabetically by control-number-type. Additional 'well-known' control numbers can be entered by choosing a control number type, entering the number and clicking on 'Add'.
An existing control number can be edited by highlighting the number to be edited in the control number box, updating the control number in the input field and clicking on 'Update'.
Note: It is only possible to enter 'well-known' number types. Local control numbers cannot be entered as they may not be recognizable to all rota locations.
Item Details - Sheet Music
Our Local Number
Our local number - enter a local request number that you may wish to use in addition to the request number allocated by VDX. You will be able to search for requests using this number.
Up to 2000 chars. This is the title of the work, e.g. String quintet no. 1, A major, op. 18.
The statement of responsibility, e.g. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. This is stored in the database the same as 'Author'.
Series Title & Numbering
Series Title Up to 2000 chars
Sponsoring Body
Sponsoring body, for example when cataloging items that are conference proceedings. Up to 2000 chars
Publisher name. Up to 240 char
Place of Publication
Place of publication of the requested item. Up to 240 chars
Free text publication date of the requested item. Up to 240 chars
Edition statement of the requested item. Up to 240 chars
Item Description
Physical description details, e.g. 5 parts.
International Standard Music Number if available. Free text, up to 240 chars
ISBN of the requested item. Note there is no form of validation performed on the ISBN. This is to accommodate new 13 character ISBNs for example
Volume / Issue
Volume details if present
Classification. Up to 240 chars
The following fields include details for the Uniform Title field. They are mapped into the Request if present in the data, alternatively you can enter them. For LASER Requests values are transmitted as entered here; for other protocols they are transmitted in the Item Note field.
Opus Number
Opus number, e.g. no.1
The key signature the music is written in, e.g. A major.
A list of the instruments the music is written for, e.g. For string trio and harp
Scope of Score
Scope or version, e.g. Libretto
Type of score
Can be selected from the drop down, e.g. Miniature score
Form of Notation
Standard or Tabbed are available from the drop down.
Number of Copies
Number of copies e.g. of a vocal score. A number up to 5 characters
Item Note
Use Item Note to send the lender important additional item information like Original text with English translation
Item details - Video DVD, Computer File, CD-Rom
Our Local Number
Enter a local request number that you may wish to use in addition to the request number allocated by VDX. You will be able to search for requests using this number.
The title of the requested item. Up to 2000 chars. This is the title of the Book, Book on CD/Tape, Braille Book, Part of Book, Patent, Report.
Subtitle of the requested item. Up to 2000 chars
The director, producer, cast etc of the requested item. Up to 2000 chars. This is stored in the database the same as 'Author'.
Series Title & Numbering
Series Title Up to 2000 chars.
Studio / Publisher name. Up to 240 chars
Place of Publication
Place of publication of the requested item. Up to 240 chars
Free text publication date of the requested item. Up to 240 chars
Edition statement of the requested item. Up to 240 chars
Item Description
Physical description details, e.g. 2 video discs.
ISBN of the requested item. Note there is no form of validation performed on the ISBN. This is to accommodate new 13 character ISBNs for example.
The volume number details if present.
Enter the universal Product Code or EAN) . This is the barcode that can be used to uniquely identify CDs etc
Classification. Up to 240 chars.
Item Note
The item note is treated as being part of the bibliographic description of the requested item It is displayed wherever the request’s bibliographic details are displayed. It is always sent as part of the Request message to all lenders in the rota.
Up to 2000 characters can be sent and it can be used to to send important additional item information, for example 'Large Print Version' or 'First Edition Only' or to indicate that the Visually Impaired declaration form is completed, signed and on your files. These are notes attached to the ILL request – both outgoing from borrower (requester) and incoming from lenders (responders).
It is displayed on the brief request display under the heading 'notes' and on the full display under the heading 'item note'.
Well Known Control Numbers
This box shows the list of extracted control numbers. This box will only be visible if it has been configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support to be displayed on the Request Entry form.
A single list of control numbers is displayed - sorted alphabetically by control-number-type. Additional 'well-known' control numbers can be entered by choosing a control number type, entering the number and clicking on 'Add'.
An existing control number can be edited by highlighting the number to be edited in the control number box, updating the control number in the input field and clicking on 'Update'.
Note: It is only possible to enter ”well-known” number types. Local control numbers cannot be entered as they may not be recognizable to all rota locations.
Item Details - Music CD
Our Local Number
Enter a local request number that you may wish to use in addition to the request number allocated by VDX. You will be able to search for requests using this number.
The title of the requested item. Up to 2000 chars. This is the title of the Book, Book on CD/Tape, Braille Book, Part of Book, Patent, Report.
Subtitle of the requested item. Up to 2000 chars.
Artist or Composer details for requested sound recording. Up to 2000 chars. This is stored in the database the same as 'Author'.
Series Title & Numbering
Series Title Up to 2000 chars.
Record Label
Record label name.
Place of Publication
Place of publication of the requested item. Up to 240 chars.
Free text publication date of the requested item. Up to 240 chars.
Edition statement of the requested item. Up to 240 chars.
Item Description
Physical description details, e.g. 1 sound disc (56 min.) : digital
ISBN of the requested item. Note there is no form of validation performed on the ISBN. This is to accommodate new 13 character ISBNs for example.
The volume number details if present.
Enter the universal Product Code or EAN) . This is the barcode that can be used to uniquely identify CDs etc.
Classification. Up to 240 chars
Item Note
The item note is treated as being part of the bibliographic description of the requested item It is displayed wherever the request’s bibliographic details are displayed. It is always sent as part of the Request message to all lenders in the rota.
Up to 2000 characters can be sent and it can be used to to send important additional item information, for example 'Large Print Version' or 'First Edition Only' or to indicate that the Visually Impaired declaration form is completed, signed and on your files. These are notes attached to the ILL request – both outgoing from borrower (requester) and incoming from lenders (responders).
It is displayed on the brief request display under the heading 'notes' and on the full display under the heading 'item note'.
Well Known Control Numbers
This box shows the list of extracted control numbers. This box will only be visible if it has been configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support to be displayed on the Request Entry form.
A single list of control numbers is displayed - sorted alphabetically by control-number-type. Additional 'well-known' control numbers can be entered by choosing a control number type, entering the number and clicking on 'Add'.
An existing control number can be edited by highlighting the number to be edited in the control number box, updating the control number in the input field and clicking on 'Update'.
Note: It is only possible to enter ”well-known” number types. Local control numbers cannot be entered as they may not be recognizable to all rota locations.
Rota Details
The Rota section is always available.
Whether the location and item details are also available depends upon how your administrators have configured the system.
Available/Selected Locations: VDX can be configured to insert a rota automatically when submitting the request. This can be added to and re-ordered.
To add additional locations to the 'selected box'
1.Enter Library symbol or name in search box.
2.Click on 'search'.
3.Highlight one or more locations in the 'Available' box or click on 'Select All' to select all from the 'Available' box.
4.Click on 'Add' to transfer to the ' Selected' box.
5.To remove locations from the 'selected box' highlight one or more locations in the 'Selected' box or click on 'De-select All' to select all from the 'Available' box.
Rota Location Details
This is the location code of the location you have currently selected in the Rota. (Read only).
Description of the location
Relates to the location you have currently selected in the Rota. Yes or No. Suspended locations can be added to the rotas of new requests. They will automatically be skipped if they are still suspended when the request attempts to move to them. Suspended locations will then be moved to the end of the rota and will be re-tried if they become available before the request reaches the end of its life
Control Numbers / Item numbers
VDX displays any local numbers associated with the requested item at the current rota location. In order to edit a number, select it and click on update to update the fields below
Selected Item Details
Control No
VDX displays the control numbers and associated item numbers at the selected rota location.
A new control number can be added by placing the cursor in the input field, entering the control number and clicking on the 'Add' button.
To update an existing control number, highlight the control number to be updated and enter the amended control number in the input field. Click on the 'Update' button.
To delete an existing control number, highlight the control number to be deleted and clock on the 'Delete' button
Item No
VDX will display the item numbers for the control numbers at the selected rota location.
The item number can be deleted by highlighting the item number to be deleted and clicking on the ' Delete' button
The item number can be updated by highlighting the item number to be updated so that the details appear in the 'selected item details' boxes.
Amend the details in the item box and click on the 'Update' button.
A new item number can be associated with a control number by highlighting the control number, entering the item number in the box below and clicking on the 'Add' button
Call Number
The shelf mark or call number where the item is physically located. Up to 240 chars. This field allows you to specify the actual call number for the currently selected rota location. This can be helpful as it informs the location of the item's physical whereabouts.
This field is usually populated from the holdings in the bibliographic record as a result of searching. A call number can be updated:
•Select the relevant control number and item number in the Control Number and Item Number boxes.
•Enter the revised call number in the Call Number field and click on the Update button.
A call number can be added. If no call number is provided you can manually enter one:
•Select the relevant Location in the Rota Details: Selected field.
•Enter the new call number directly in the Call Number field and click on the Add button.
The run of journal issues available for the current location in the rota. The docfind driver moves the rota position on to the next location that stocks the actual physical issue. Locations where chronology indicates the issue is not held may be rejected if the option to select locations is enabled (Configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support - ILL User Location Defaults). Non editable field.
The run of years/months available for the current location in the rota. Locations where enumeration indicates the issue is not held may be rejected if the option to select locations by holdings is enabled (see Resource groups)
Indicates the current availability of the requested item at the current location in the rota. If the item is not currently available at a specific location (e.g. out on loan) then the docfind driver may remove this location from the rota if this field indicates that the item is available AND the option to select locations by availability is enabled (see Resource Groups) Non editable field.
Private Note
A private note that can only be seen by staff at your library.
Patron Note
Note sent from Library to Patron - as a User Alert but displayed with the request, eg. 'the item is now available for collection'.
A Public note is sent to the other party in the current request, either as part of the current action/message, or as a specific 'ILL Message' if that action used to enter the note was 'Send Public Note'
Patron Details
VDX can be configured to either take Patron Details from a user database or have them entered manually.
If a database is being used, then the ILL staff user will be prompted to enter a patron barcode and select a user database.
The system will then retrieve the patrons details and add them to the current request.
if a patron database is not being used, then the ILL staff user will be prompted to enter the patron's name, and their email address.
Patron name
The name of the user placing this request. This is the name of the ILL Administrator until you validate the actual end user for whom you are creating the request. The end user name then displays here. Non-editable field. Use Patron Barcode to edit.
Patron email
The user’s email address may default from the user record. If not it can be entered (or it can be changed). Depending on how user alerting is configured, an email address may be required here so that an alerting email can be sent to the user. See System Administrators on-line help for configuration of User Alerting.
Amount Willing to Pay
This is the maximum cost that the Patron is prepared to spend on this request This may be more or less than the amount the Borrower is prepared to spend.
Additional Service Details
Service Level
Level of service for the request, Standard, Fast, or Express. Values will normally be defaulted from ILL User Loc Defaults based upon the number of days between the date this request is placed to the stated Need-By-Date.
Can Hold
Whether the responder may place the item on hold if it is not currently available. Value may be defaulted from ILL User Loc Defaults: request service defaults.
Max Cost
Maximum cost Borrower is prepared to pay, format 0.00. Value may be defaulted from ILL User Loc Defaults: Request service defaults.
Need by Date
Click the Calendar icon to choose a date the item is required by. Format dd-mmm-yyyy. Value may be defaulted from ILL User Loc Defaults.
Expiry Type
Tells the system how to calculate the Expiry Date:
Expiry Days
Expiry DaysEnter the number of days this request may remain pending at a responder before it is automatically expired at that responder. This number is usually defaulted from ILL User Loc Defaults. Works in conjunction with Expiry Type: Calc from Expiry Days
Delivery Details
Delivery Method
This displays the requested delivery method; alternatively select a value from the drop down box.
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[Doc#: 1042 - Completing the request form] a.k.a Field Details. a.k.a Request Details