Other Email Formats
VDX can send requests to other targets using their specific Email formats - these are individually defined in the ILL Mail Formats file, see System Administrator’s on-line help. A number of formats are predefined during the installation process e.g.
•British Medical Association
•CARL UnCover
•Royal Society of Chemistry
•Test Mail Format
Additional formats can be added as required. The particular format to be used in sending a request is determined by looking at the values present in the Protocol Details of the Locations domain This may be a generic format for all requests or specific formats for different material types.
Automatically processing requests placed by Email
Although no standard protocol exists for Email requests, a number of URLs are included in the outgoing email requests allowing the lender/responder to send an appropriate reply back to the borrower/lender, simply by clicking on the link. These include:
•link to ship item
•link to not supply the item
•link to inform item available for supply (delayed)
•link to auto-Receive the item
Once these links are clicked on, the request is updated in VDX with the appropriate action.
Manually processing requests placed by Email
It is also possible to process responses received from email protocol borrower ‘manually’. This means they can record the state changes in the VDX database to reflect what has actually happened to their outgoing email requests.
When you act on these email requests -
•specific actions are provided to enable you to update the status of the request
•screens relevant to the action you selected are provided
•appropriate ILL messages appear in the history section of the request record
•no protocol messaging occurs
To update a request on a request on behalf of a Location using the Generic Script protocol
1. Locate the relevant request in the Requests domain (the request must have been sent to a Location with the Email Protocol and be in a state of Pending).
2. Locate the item in the hit-list and use the drop down box to select from the list of available ILL Actions.
3. Actions include Informed Shipped, Informed Not Supplied and Informed Renewed. You choose the suitable action depending on the lender's (responder's) response.
Actions available
The following table illustrates the manual specific Actions and screens available to you in this situation:
Your Role
Lenders (Responders) Protocol
State Change
Screen Input Elements
Informed Not Supplied
Pending to Not Supplied
Reason Not Supplied
Public Note
Private Note
Informed Shipped
Pending to Shipped
Date Shipped
Due Date
Chargeable Units
Insured Amount + Currency
Shipped Service Type
Shipped Media Type
Shipped Delivery Method
Ship Conditions
Public Note
Private Note
Informed Renewed
Received or Renew/Pending to Received
These include...
Due Date
Local Due Date
Public Note
Private Note
Related Topics
[Doc#: 1027 - Email Requests]