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Generic Script Protocol





This is an alternative for suppliers/locations who are non-ISO compliant. The management of requests sent or received via Generic Script emails is a two-way process. VDX can send and receive a variety of messages (Request, Cancellation, Reply, Shipped , General Message, Renew , Renew Answer, Overdue) throughout the life of a given transaction. 

For example this is used by a large number of non-ISO ILL systems in Canada.    

Note: If the responding process has been automated (i.e. docfind-responder has been implemented), then an incoming generic script protocol request without a media type will be handled as a monograph.

Processing Requests Placed Via Generic Script Protocol

There is a requirement for some Generic Script Lenders (Responders) to be able to manually input Borrower (Requester)-side notifications, such as Canceled and Received etc. so that they can keep the VDX database up to date with the actual 'manual' transactions taking place. Therefore from VDX v3.0, additional ILL Actions have been put in place for Lenders (Responders) to update the database in this way.

When the lender/responder acts on the requests to update Borrower/Requester side actions:

specific actions are provided to enable you to update the status of the request

screens relevant to the action you selected are provided

appropriate ILL messages appear in the history section of the request record

no protocol messaging occurs


When responding to a request as a Location using the Generic Script protocol, you locate the request in the hit list and use the drop down box of ILL Actions as normal:

1.Search for the relevant request in the Requests domain

2.Locate the item in the hit-list and use the drop down box to select from the list of available ILL Actions.

3.Actions include Informed Returned, Informed Received, and Informed Canceled. You choose the suitable action depending on the borrower (requester)’s response.

The following table illustrates the manual specific Actions and screens available to Locations using the Generic Script Driver protocol:


Your Role



State Change

Screen Input Elements

Borrower (Requester)

EMAIL &Generic Script

Informed Not Supplied


Pending to Not Supplied

Reason Not Supplied


Borrower (Requester)

EMAIL &Generic Script

Informed Shipped 

Pending to Shipped


Date Shipped

Due Date


Chargeable Units

Insured Amount + Currency

Shipped Service Type

Shipped Media Type

Shipped Delivery Method

Ship Conditions



Generic Script

Informed Cancelled

In Process to Not Supplied 



Generic Script

Informed Received 

In Process to Shipped 

Date Received

Shipped Service Type



Generic Script

Informed Received

Shipped to Shipped

Date Received

Shipped Service Type



Generic Script

Informed Returned 

In Process to Shipped 

Shipped to Shipped

Date Returned

Returned Via

Insured Amount + Currency



Note: VDX can automatically create requesting or responding locations using the Generic Script Protocol. In practice you are more likely to want this to be requesting locations. The System administrator need not enter a location before VDX can accept a request from a foreign location using either the ISO protocol, or the Generic Script protocol.

Related Topics


[Doc#: 1028 - Generic Script Protocol]





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