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Receiving a Requested Item




When an ILL request item is received, the database will need to be updated.

1.In the left hand menu pane click the requests button

2.Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record e.g. Status = Shipped , Authorization Status = Unread.

3.Locate the item in the hit-list and use the drop down box to select the Received Action . 

4.Click the Action button. The Received Action screen displays.

5.The Number of Items displays the number of physical items shipped, as entered by the Responder library. The Local Due Date field is editable. It defaults to the date the end user should return the item to his/her lending library by. VDX calculates this by checking the due date entered by the Supplier, and deducting the number of ‘offset’ days present in User Location Defaults. For example the Suppliers due date could be 30 July but the local due date is calculated as 27 July. The end user should return the item by 27 July allowing 3 days for the library to send back to the supplier. If the supplier did not enter a date, this field is blank for your input. To edit, click the Calendar icon to choose a date. If you have ILL integrated with the Circulation system then VDX passes on the Local Due Date to the Circulation system.

6.If you have ILL integrated with the Circulation system then you can use the Shipped Item field. Enter or scan the barcode to be used locally (by you at the requesting library) for this item. (It is possible that the barcode scanner may supply a 'carriage return' or a 'tab' character after the last digit of the barcode - this may need to be turned off (in the scanner) should it cause problems for the browser and/or VDX). If no barcode is entered in the Shipped Item field, VDX will not supply a value to your Circulation system. Whether the Circulation system can create the temporary item record without a value for the item barcode being supplied, depends on your Circulation system’s capabilities. If the barcode is entered, VDX will supply it to the Circulation system. It is possible that the Circulation system will use that as the local item’s barcode; alternatively it will generate its own item barcode. (VDX will also send the Local Due Date to the Circulation system).

7.Log messages reporting on circulation / ILL interaction for the current request are displayed at the foot of the Request form under NCIP Messages. Circ/ILL Log Message definitions. Disable Circ Action: check this box if you want to disable the normal Circ Action that would take place as a result of this ILL Action on the current Request (ability to do this is configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support.).

8.Enter any Public or Private Note if required, and click Receive.

Tip: The Due Date field can be used as a filter /search option in the ILL Request Search screen. It is displayed in the Additional Service Details of the request record.


Receiving Requested Items in Bulk

This feature is part of Multiple Request Processing. It enables you to receive and process more than one request at once.

Note the Local Due Date cannot be defaulted on the bulk action screen because it is potentially different for each of the selected requests. Therefore -

If you leave the Received Local Due Date blank on the bulk received screen then the appropriate Local Due Date 'offset' is automatically applied ‘invisibly’ to all actioned requests as they are individually updated. (The number of 'offset' days is configured iby OCLC NRE/VDX Support : User Location Defaults - see above).

If you enter a Local Due Date then this is applied to all actioned requests regardless of their original due date.  

As each record is updated error trapping will check if the Local Due Date is later than the lender/responders due date.

Note: bulk processing cannot be used if you are also using Circulation integration for that ILL service.

Related Topics


Completing the request form

ILL Request Search

Monitoring Outgoing Requests

Returning a Loan Item



[Doc#: 1057 - Receiving a Requested Item]





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