Cancel - Request only cancels the current transaction, whereas Terminate Request cancels the entire request. It prevents the request being sent to further locations on the rota. When Terminate Request is used the terminate flag is set in the database and the ILL details and actions screens indicate clearly Request No Longer Required.
When can Terminate Request be used?
This action is available until you have carried out the Received action.
End users in ZPORTAL can also use this feature to end a request. A Cancel button is available in the list of My Requests (until the item is Received). Whenever patrons select the Cancel button the Terminate Request action begins. The request then displays in the Web client as Request No Longer Required and is functionally the same as when staff terminate the request.
What does Terminate Request do?
•The terminated date field is set to the current date. A request terminated message appears on the brief display e.g. Request no longer required.
•Auto-forwarding to other locations on the rota is prevented.
•The User Alerting agent will no longer send any user alerts in connection with the request.
•Circulation/ILL functionality is disabled – Accept Item is not possible when carrying out the Received action.
•The Terminate Request action behaves differently depending on the ILL Status when you terminate the request. For example:
•If the ILL Status was Idle then it remains at Idle but the termination date is set to the current date.
•If the ILL Status was Pending then a Cancel Request message is created. This will attempt to cancel the current transaction for this request.
•If the ILL Status was Conditional then a Conditional-Response=No message is created (i.e. the best way to cancel a conditional request is to refuse the conditions). This will effectively cancel the current transaction for this request. Auto-forwarding to other locations is also prevented.
•If the ILL Status was Shipped then there is no additional processing. The terminated date is set and when you receive the request, Request No Longer Required alerts you to Return if it is a Loan item and Complete if it is a Copy request.
To terminate a request:
1.Carry out an ILL Requests Search and locate the relevant request record.
2.In the hit-list use the drop down box to select the Terminate Request action
3.Click the Action button.
4.This displays the terminate request window. Click the Action button.
5.VDX confirms the Action was successful and the results list shows Request No Longer Required.
To complete the request
After using the Terminate Request action, you can use the Complete action. Alternatively you may have the Terminate Request action set up to automatically do a completion . The completion date is then completed. The request is no longer visible in the work queues.
Terminated Request search
An ILL Requests Search allows you to search and view any terminated requests. In the ILL Requests Search screen check the box Display Terminated requests only.
Related Topics
[Doc#: 1061 - Terminating a Request]