Completion can be performed either manually or, if automatic allocation of the 'complete ' process has been set up, automatically. In both cases, completion will depend on a number of factors such as whether the Status of the item was RECEIVED or LOST or SHIPPED etc. and whether a lender/responder sends shipped messages or received and checked-in messages. The completion of a Request must be determined by considering all these factors.
To mark a request as complete:
1.Locate the relevant item via the ILL request search or a work queue.
2.Select 'Complete' from the list of available actions on the brief display or at the top/bottom of the full display.
3.Click the Action button.
4.A 'complete' screen will be displayed and a 'private note' can be added if required.
5.Click on the Complete button to confirm.
6.The 'date completed' in the request will be set to the current date and time.
7.The completion date will be displayed on the hit-list and in the full record.
If VDX can automatically allocate a process, then completion can be triggered when a specified action has been performed either by the borrower/requester) or lender/responder. In this case, the 'date completed' is set to the current date and time. A 'complete' action does NOT appear in the history section of the request record.
For example, a RECEIVED action (performed on receipt of a non-returnable copy) could trigger automatic completion. If the requested item has to be returned to the lender/responder, automatic completion may not be performed until the borrower/requester has received a CHECKED-IN indication from the lender/responder. On most systems, the Lender/Responder action Check In automatically competes the request. This is an optional feature, so check with your own organization to determine your local settings.
Completed requests are removed from the Requests display list for both the Borrower/Requester and the Lender/Responder.
Related Topics
•Authorization Statuses
•ILL Request Search
[Doc#: 1062 - Completing a Request]