Functionality and Resource Groups
The resources and functionality that are available to you when you login will have been configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support. Resources and functionality are allocated to you using Resource Groups which may be set up to reflect the requirements of:
•user groups
•location group
•borrower category
The following resources and functionality are allocated according to resource groups:
The availability of the following resources is defined in resource groups as configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support:
•Search profiles
•Database accounts
•Collections Users
•Web reports
User Interface options and permissions
The availability of the following user interface options and permissions is configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support:
•User Interface options e.g. show cover images; show WorldCat Link Manager; show holdings links; show patron details.
•User Interface permissions e.g. creation of request from OpenURL; editing work queues; editing addresses; creating requests; managing requests; use of web admin user interface.
Display options
The availability of the following display options is defined in resource groups by OCLC NRE/VDX Support:
•Show Document button
•Show Bib Search button
•Show control-numbers section (on request create/details)
•Show Cover images
•Show holdings links
•Show locations search button
•Show Local (request) Number
•Show Patron details
•Show User search button
•Show World cat-Link-Manager button
For further information on your local VDX configuration, please contact NRE/VDX Support.
Related Topics
[Doc#: 1011 - Resource Groups]