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Staff Review (NCIP)





Staff Review (NCIP)

Requests in this queue normally have an issue with NCIP processing.  Request with the "Check Error" authorization status will show in this queue.


From the Work Queue click on "Staff Review" or the Count link.


Clicking on the work queue item performs a filtered search for the category selected. You will be presented with a list of requests. Each request will have a drop-down box and an action button.  The actions in the drop-down will depend on the status of the work queue item selected.


When the action is submitted a NCIP message is sent to the Circ System. If the NCIP message is not successful the request will put in the Staff Review queue. The ILL action will not be completed until the NCIP message has successfully been completed.  Staff will need to fix the issue and re-do the action again if possible.



Borrower Side

NCIP messages are sent when request is:

Received (AcceptItem)

Returned (Returned)


Common borrower side NCIP errors:


NCIP Message

 Error Message



Unknown User

The user barcode in the request could not found in the Circ System.  Enter the correct barcode and Receive the item again.


Cannot Accept Item

An error occurred on the Circ System side.  Please have your vendor check their logs to find out what should be corrected and Receive the item again.


Temporary Processing Failure

An error occurred on the Circ System side.  Please have your vendor check their logs to find out what should be corrected and Receive the item again.





Data error performing circ action Borrower Return Item Java Exception: =

Either NRE/VDX or your vendors NCIP server is down.  Use report a problem to report the error.



Normally VDX ignores errors returned from the Circ System.  The majority of the errors are caused because the item has already been checked in.




Lender Side


NCIP messages are sent when request is:

Received by the lender and a hold/request (RequestItem)

Non-supply (CancelRequestItem)

Shipped (CheckOutItem)

Checked in (CheckInItem)


Common lender side NCIP errors:


NCIP Message

 Error Message



Circ Action Reserve Title for User was refused by circ system because Unknown Item: RequestItem = Problem Type:, Unknown Item. Element: BibliographicRecordId/BibliographicRecordIdentifier, Element value: nullDetail: Only lookups by OCLC number are currently supported.

The RequestItem NCIP message is sent automatically when the item arrives in the lender queue.  If there is an error there is nothing you can do with the request to correct it.


Normally the item would be answered non-supply and move on to the next rota position.








Problem Type:, Unknown Item. Element: BibliographicRecordId/BibliographicRecordIdentifier, Element value: nullDetail: No title with OCLC number "340179750" found.


Unknown Item


User Ineligible To Request This Item


Duplicate Request


User Blocked


Item Does Not Circulate - Unable to place a hold request.  No requestable items exist for this title.



Unknown Request

The request being canceled could not be found by the Circ System.


There is nothing that you can do to correct this issue.





Resource Cannot Be Provided



User Ineligible To Check Out This Item

This error could mean most anything.  Normally is means that your institutional patron barcode may be barred/banned/expired from borrowing for some reason


To process this request you would need to look at your circ system to verify that the institutional patron is not barred/banned/expired for some reason. Once the Circ system is corrected the request will need to be shipped again.  If the issue has been corrected the NCIP message will receive a successful return message.





Item Not Checked Out

The barcode linked to the request is not checked out in your Circ System.














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