Cost Adjustment
This action allows the Requesting institution to ask the Supplier whether they are willing to renew the current inter-library loan.
The request will go into a state of Renew-Pending until the supplier responds by sending a Renew-Response = Yes or a Renew-Response = No.
If the Renew-Response = Yes, then the due date of the request should automatically update to the new due date contained in the response.
This action is only available if the shipped-service-type is "Loan"
Original Cost to Requester
Cost originally charged to patron
New Cost To Requester
Enter new cost
Cost Adjustment
Click on "Update Cost", the adjusted cost will be placed here
Update Cost
Click this link to update the "Cost Adjustment" field
Cost Currency
Select currency from the drop-down box
Public Note
Note sent to lender
Private Note
Note that is only seen by borrower
Patron Note
Note patron entered
Submits Cost Adjustment form
Reset form