Local Change Request Details
This action allows both the Lender/Responder or more usually, the Borrower/Requester to update the bibliographic or service details of the request without this information passing to the other party in the current transaction.
On the borrower side any such changes will be reflected in any subsequent transactions sent to a lender for this request. Lender changes to requests will stay with the lender and will not be returned to the borrower.
This page has many sections and fields. I have broken the documentation into the 7 sections below. Staff users have the ability to collapse the sections by clicking on the arrow next to the section to open and collapse the sections. NRE/VDX will remember these settings the next time the user logs in.
All sections collapsed.
Request Details
Authorisation Status
This is normally set one of two ways:
- Authorised: process request as is and do not sent through DocFIND Requester to build the Rota and add defaults
- To Be Authorised: Send through DocFIND requester to build Rota and add defaults.
Item Format
Defaults to what was set in the Z39.50 search or you can select a format from the drop-down list
Item Details
Our Local Number
The libraries Local Number if one is assigned. This number is indexed and can be searched via the ILL No search
Bibliographic Details
Bibliographic details passed with the request or manually entered
Item Note
Item note set to the lender
Lender String Details
After a Search has been done a list of available locations that hold the item will be listed here
Click "Add" after highlighting a location you want to add to the lending string/Rota. After clicking on the "Add" the location will be moved to the "Selected" list
On the "Selected" side highlight the location you want to remove from the lending string/Rota. This will "Remove" the location and move it to the Available side.
Locations in this list are selected for the lending string/Rota. The order of the list will determine the order the requests are sent to the locations
Highlight a location in the selected list and click on the "Up" link to move the location up the lending string/Rota
Highlight a location in the selected list and click on the "Down" link to move the location down the lending string/Rota
Select All
Click on this link to select all locations in the "Available" list
Deselect All
Click on this link to deselect all locations in the "Available" list
Library symbol or location name
Enter the library description or OCLC/NLC symbol to search for. The locations found will be displayed in the "Available" section
This submits the search form
Private Note
Private note for this requests. Will be displayed only to staff.
Patron Details
User ID
User barcode with out prefix if one has been assigned
Click on the "Validate" link to verify that the patron barcode is in the NRE/VDX database. If the patron is not in the NRE/VDX database you can add a patron to the NRE/VDX database
Patron Email
If the patron has an email address it will be displayed here. If the validated barcode
Amount willing to pay
Enter the amount the patron is willing to pay if there is a charge for the item
Select the currency of the amount willing to pay
Additional Service Details
Service Level
Service level, normally it is defaulted to "Normal - Local Search"
Can Hold
This field is not used
Max Cost
Max cost library is willing to pay for item
Currency of the "Max Cost"
Need By Date
The patron needs the item before this date. If the item is not received by this date the request stops.
Expiration Type
This is how the expiration date is calculated. For example "Calc From Expiry Days" will use the "Response Interval" and add that number to the current date to get the expiration date that is sent to the lender
Response Interval
Number of days the request will be with the lender
Delivery Details
Delivery Method
Request delivery method.
Pickup Location
Location patron wants to pickup item. This will print on the pickup list
Submits the form
Clears form