Scroll down to the Rota Details section of the request screen to access rota details. A Rota allows other locations to be tried for the request if the initial location cannot supply it. When editing the rota you can also specify accompanying control number details that hang off a given rota entry. All this information is sent with the request message to the relevant lender/responder locations. The rota can be populated in 3 different ways:
•The rota can be created or adjusted manually using the Add and Remove buttons in the Rota Details on the request screen.
•If automatic routing is set up using 'docfind' then suggested locations are automatically entered into the Rota. These can then be adjusted manually.
•Further locations can be added to the rota using the Search and Add buttons in the Holdings section of the request record.
Data is populated in the rota differently depending on how you approached the creation of this request -
If you are creating the request using a blank form the rota is blank. If automatic request routing is implemented and the request is saved leaving rota details blank, then the docfind driver will populate the rota.
Note: do not authorize the request, simply save it. Alternatively populate the rota manually.
If you are creating the request from the results of a Z39.50 search then depending on the local policy of your organization the rota details may already exist through automatic routing configuration. If so, you can manually adjust the rota if need be. If automatic routing is not configured, then rota details are blank and require your input.
Tip: For details about how your rotas are automatically created, check out local policy with your own organization.
Holdings/Locations lists
The rota management section of the request layout shows the holdings/location list on the left-hand side and selected locations on the right-hand side.
The left hand list holds either the holdings locations associated with a retrieved bibliographic record from which the request has been created. Alternatively, it shows the results of a location search entered in the search box.
To search for location
1.Enter location name or symbol in library location or symbol box. Note: it is only necessary to enter the first part of the library name as a partial search is performed.
2.Click on Search button.
3.If more than one location matches the search, they will be displayed in the Holdings/Location list box (left-hand box).
4.If only one location matches the search, it will be automatically added to the 'Selected ' locations (right-hand box).
To add a location to the rota manually
1.Highlight one or more locations in the holding/location list (left hand box) or click on Select All button to select all locations listed.
2.Click on In the Add button to transfer them to the selected locations box (right-hand side).
3.The locations now display in the selected list.
To remove a location from the rota
1.Select locations to be removed from Selected box (right-hand side) by highlighting locations.
2.Click the remove button.
To re-order locations on the rota
1.Click on the location to be moved up/down in the Selected box (right-hand side)
2.Click on the up arrow or down arrow button to move the location to the correct position in the rota.
View/Edit Entry Details
These display details relevant to the location currently selected in the rota box is displayed underneath the rota details e.g. location description, symbol, suspension details, linked control numbers and item details.
The only field that can be edited here is the Call Number field.
To update the call number field
1.Highlighting the relevant control number and item number in the control number and item number boxes.
2.The relevant item specific details will be displayed.
3.To update an existing call number, enter the amended call number and click on the 'Update' button.
4.To add a new call number, enter the new call number and click on the Add button.
5.To remove a call number, delete existing call number and click on the Update button.
Information relevant to the location currently selected in the rota box is displayed underneath the rota details e.g.: location description, symbol, suspension details, linked control numbers and item details.
Local Control Numbers and Details
As a matter of course local (and national) control number details are sent with the request message if the docfind-requester driver is running at your organization. However you can also specify directly the control number details by using the request screens. To add or edit national control numbers, scroll to the local control number section of the request.
Updating control numbers
These are local control numbers and item numbers relating to the selected rota location.
Local (and national) control number details are sent with the request message if the docfind-requester driver is running at your organization. However you can also specify directly the control numbers relating to a particular rota location on the request screen.
To add a new control number:
1. Place the cursor in the input field.
2. Enter the control number.
3. Click on the Add button.
To update a control number:
1. Highlight the control number to be updated.
2. Enter the amended control number in the input field.
3. Click on the Update button.
To remove a control number:
1. Highlight the control number to be deleted.
2. Click on the Delete button.
Updating item numbers associated with a control number
A new item number can be associated with a control number by:
1. Highlight the relevant control number.
2. Enter the item number in the item number box below.
3. Click on the Add button.
The new item number is then displayed in the item number box when the control number is highlighted.
To update an item number:
1. Highlight the item number to be updated so that the details appear in the selected item details boxes.
2. Amend the details in the item box.
3. Click on the Update button.
To remove an item number:
1. Highlight the item number to be deleted.
2. Click on the Delete button.
See Field Details for definitions at individual field level.
Related Topics
[Doc#: 1039 - Adding a rota]