Field Details: Locations
Location (Edit Own)
Location Code
The 5 character location code which uniquely defines your own location. This is created by OCLC NRE/VDX Support.
Location Symbols
The ILL location symbol that this location is recognized by.
Short Description
The short description for your location, up to 13 characters.
Long Description
The long description for your location, up to 40 characters.
Interloan Status
Responder', 'Requester', 'Responder and Requester'. For information purposes only. Not editable through WEB Admin interface.
Yes/No - not editable through WebAdmin interface.
Requester Address
Address details of this location
Return To Address
Address to which borrowed items should be returned. This may differ from the Administration Address.
Opening Times
Opening Days: Monday to Sunday
Local Holidays
Holidays specific to this location.
Calculated Holidays
These include both local holidays and holidays set up through the 'parent' location calendar. These may be regional or national holidays.
This is a list of service records defined for each location that your location interacts with. The setting up of ILL Services records depends on how your organization uses VDX (e.g. main library with branch libraries, or bureau system).
Select the name of the location that your location interacts with.
Service ID
Non editable field. The system defined service ID is displayed.
Service Type
From the pull down box select the Service Type normally used when sending requests between your location and the borrower/requester location.
Service Level
From the pull down box select the Service Level normally used between your location and the borrower/requester location.
Inherits From
If required, choose the group location from which a member location inherits its service attributes. You inherit from a parent record automatically, but because you may belong to multiple groups you can specify here which group you inherit from.
Base Cost
The base cost of a particular service offered by the lender/responder location can be entered here.
Tax Rate
From the pull down box select the default tax rate normally operating between your location and the borrower/requester location.
From the pull down box select the appropriate currency normally used between your location and the borrower/requester location.
[Doc#: 1085 - Field Details: Locations]