Depending on your organizations policy you may have Validate ILL Requester enabled (User Loc Defaults). This checks the validity of the user against an external system. If so, when using the Web Admin Client you need to first check the validity of the end user for whom you are creating the request. To do this:
1.Scroll down to the Patron Details section of the request. Note:This should be done before any further processing of the request. Enter the patron barcode and click the validate button. This authenticates the user to check that they are not banned in the remote system.
2.If there is a problem with the user record VDX reports it now. Otherwise the patron details are copied into the ILL request.
The external service might be a campus registration system, or a circulation system or another VDX system. Drivers can configured to use e.g. 3M SIP2 protocol , HTTP, Oracle SQL and such, to communicate with the remote Authentication Service.
If this is configured the Authentication Service pull down box is present.
1.Enter the title details of the request in the bibliographic details section of the request input form.
2.Scroll down to the Patron details section. In a new request this first displays details for the user you are logged in as.
3.Enter details in the Patron Barcode and Patron Password fields.
4.Select the appropriate authentication service from the pull down box.
5.Click the validate button.
VDX responds with either a message to say e.g. the user is banned, or if authentication is successful, VDX copies the user details below.
The address fields in this screen can be defaulted from the user record once the request record has been authorized.
Related Topics
•Field Details
[Doc#: 1024 - Validating users against an external system] Borrower (Requester)