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Default Work Queue for Lenders




The content of the Work Queue depends on configuration by OCLC NRE/VDX Support. The following explains the content of the 'Standard' Work Queue.

Work Queue Statuses

New Requests

Newly received requests from borrowing libraries. 


New Requests expiring today

Newly received requests from borrowing libraries which would expiry today. 


Will Supply

You have replied to the borrowing library that you will be supplying the requested item shortly. 



You have replied to the borrowing library that the item is available under certain conditions. You are awaiting a reply (Yes or No) from the borrowing library that they agree to these conditions.  


Cancel Requested

You have received a cancel action from the borrowing library. You will need to confirm whether or not you wish to accept this cancellation. 


New Notes

Incoming messages from borrowing libraries. 



You have performed a 'shipped' action on these requests. 


Renewal Requested

You have received a request to renew a loan from a borrowing library. You should confirm whether or not you are prepared to allow the renewal


Overdue today

Requests for items that you have supplied to a borrowing library which have a due date of today.   


Overdue > 4 weeks

Requests for items that you have supplied to the borrowing library which have due dates up to 4 weeks ago. 



Requests for items that you have recalled from the borrowing library. 



Requests for items that have been returned by the borrowing library.  


Circulation Queue

Your system has been configured so that when local holdings are found, VDX automatically hands over the ILL Request to the local library management system by using NCIP. This a diagnostic aid for sites using Circulation / ILL integration. If this queue gets very large - or has requests that don’t leave it you know there may be a problem.


Lender Reports

Pick List

This lists bibliographic information used by the lending library to retrieve requested items. The output is in PDF format. Once a request has been printed on a Picklist, it will not be included in future Pick lists. However it can be found again by selecting the appropriate report in Batch Re-runs.  


Shipping List

This list can be used for shipping slips for routing materials. The output is in PDF format. Once a request has been printed on a Shipping List, it will not be included in future Shipping Lists. However it can be found in the appropriate Standard Shipping List in Batch Rerun reports. 

Note: The list of statuses shown is dependent on how your system has been set up and whether you have configured the work queue display.

Related Topics


[Doc#: 1048 - Default Work Queue for Lenders]




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