Open and closed days
The normal open and closed days are specified in this section.
•An open day is one on which the library is 'open' for business.
•A closed day is one on which the library is normally closed.
Requests will still be sent to locations on closed days. However, closed days will be excluded from calculations e.g. when calculating expiry dates.
Note: if open and closed days are not set up for a location, the information displayed will be taken from the 'parent' hierarchy.
To view existing opening days and holidays for your library
1.Click on Location on the right-hand menu bar.
2.Click the Edit Own button at the top of the screen.
3.Scroll down to Open Days section.
To update standard opening days
1.Click on the down arrow of the day to be amended.
2.Select Yes for an open day or No for a closed day.
3.Click on Save button at bottom of screen.
Library Suspensions and Holidays
The location record shows both 'local' and 'calculated' holidays.
Local holidays can be specified for an individual location. They can be added, edited and deleted through the web admin client.
Calculated holidays include both local holidays and holidays set up through the 'parent' location calendar. These may be regional or national holidays. These 'inherited' holidays can only be set up by OCLC NRE/VDX Support and are not editable in the Web admin client.
Suspension periods
As well as entering additional holidays, you can also specify one or more periods where ILL processing at your location will be suspended.
These are typically unplanned or emergency situations.
The system will not attempt to send requests to locations while they are flagged as being Suspended.
When creating a suspension period, you can also state whether local staff can still create requests or not, by selecting the appropriate closure type.
open: the library is open for business
closed: the library is closed.
suspended no requesting: The library is suspended and requests will not be sent here during the period of the suspension. This location cannot make outgoing requests.
suspended- requests OK: This library is suspended and requests will not be sent to this location during the period of the suspension. However, this library can continue to make outgoing requests
To add a new local holiday or library suspension period
1.Click on Location on the right hand menu bar.
2.Click on Edit Own at the top of the screen.
3.Scroll down to Local Holidays section.
4.Click on New Holiday button.
5.Enter description, start date, end date, closure type.
There are 4 closure types: open, closed, suspended no requesting, suspended- requests OK.
Click on Save button at bottom of screen.
To edit a local holiday or library suspension period
1.Click on Location on the right hand menu bar.
2.Click on Edit Own at the top of the screen.
3.Scroll down to Local Holidays section.
4.Click on edit/delete check-box to select holiday to edit.
5.Amend the various holiday/suspension details.
6.Click on Save to confirm your amendments.
To delete a local holiday or library suspension period
1.Click on Location on the right hand menu bar.
2.Click on Edit Own at the top of the screen.
3.Scroll down to Local Holidays section.
4.Click on edit/delete check-box to select holiday to edit.
5.Click on Delete Holiday button.
6.Click on OK to confirm deletion.Type your expanding text here.
'Suspended' locations on the rota
A requesting library will always be able to add your location to the rota of a new request, even when it is suspended. The system will automatically skip your location if it is suspended. and it will be moved to the end of the rota. Your location will automatically be re-tried if your suspension finishes before the request reaches the end of its life.
To specify 'down time'
It should be noted that there is no special closure type for indicating that 'down-time' is at your location. VDX will continue to attempt to send requests to a ’down’ system until a predefined time limit is reached, or the ’down’ system comes back on-line.
Related Topics
•About Locations
[Doc#: 1083 - Defining open days, holidays and suspensions]