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About Locations




Location is the term used in VDX for those sites providing material to you to fulfill requests. A location can be another library or a document delivery supplier. All sites that you have interlibrary loan relationships with should be entered into VDX as locations.   

When your VDX system is installed, your own organization is entered as one or more locations, and your relevant location and service details are recorded. You can view all location/supplier records in the VDX Web Client too, but you will only be able to edit your own location record.   

All users are assigned to a location. ILL Administrators using Web Admin Client are only able to view and manage user records assigned to their location. (If a library will only be requesting material and not supplying material to fill requests, then their role is essentially that of an end user, and they do not need to be recorded as a location in VDX).  

What can you do in Web Admin.Client with Location records?

Clicking on the location button on the left-hand menu pane will allow you to:

Search all location records.

View and edit your location and service details.

View the details of other external locations.

 New locations cannot be created using the Web Admin.Client. They must be created by OCLC NRE/VDX Support.   

Note: The availability of the Search option will depend on the permissions granted to your resource group.

Locations and Services

The details of what ILL services your location provides to other locations/libraries are recorded in your location record and can be edited. In addition the details of what ILL Services you can expect from other locations/libraries to your location can be viewed, however these cannot be edited. Services information includes service types, service levels, costs and so on. This information is used to enable VDX to evaluate potential suppliers, given the details of a particular request, and create a rota automatically. The rota can be checked by an ILL Administrator prior to authorization and any necessary changes made.

Individual locations can be grouped together in VDX. Groups are also considered locations and group location records can be used by VDX as sorting criteria when creating a rota. Group locations can also be used when defining your services. 

Location is also the level at which various ILL User Location Defaults are configured, as different locations will have unique default data. For details on criteria and preferences used in the creation of Location Records, please check with your own organization. 

Related Topics


Editing your own library's location details

Field Details: Locations




[Doc#: 1080 - About Locations]





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