Navigation: Tutorials > Borrower Work queue >







A request has been made and the item is expected from the Lender/Responder; or a message has been received stating that the item will be supplied or has been placed on hold; or that the request has been forwarded to another institution. This queue shows all requests that are pending. 


Pending > 2 Weeks

A request has been made and the item is expected from the Lender/Responder or a message has been received stating that the item will be supplied or has been placed on hold; or that the request has been forwarded to another institution. In this queue, requests have been at pending for more than 2 weeks. 


Pending > 4 Weeks

A request has been made and the item is expected from the Lender/Responder or a message has been received stating that the item will be supplied or has been placed on hold; or that the request has been forwarded to another institution. In this queue, requests have been at pending for more than 2 weeks. 


From the Work Queue click on "Pending" or the Count link.


Clicking on the work queue item performs a filtered search for the category selected.


You will be presented with a list of requests. Each request will have a drop-down box and an action button.  The actions in the drop-down will depend on the work queue item selected.



Pending request will have the following ILL Actions:

Add private Note


Cost Adjustment

Local Change Request Details


Send Public Note

Send User Alert

Terminate Request











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