Batch Re-runs are use to reprint work-flow reports if the report did not print the first time.
This is a menu of previously generated standard lists (Pick List, Shipping List, Received List, Returned List) that may be reprinted. For the Picklist, the current Request status is updated to show materials that have already been processed and do not require retrieving for request fulfillment. Batch numbers are unique for each type of report per location.
1.Click Batch Reruns in the list of menu options to display the above.
2.Click the radio button next to the report to rerun.
3.Data is picked up automatically from the last 1 or 2 weeks, override the default time period if required.
4.Click Generate Report to display / output results.
5.Simply click on Batch Reruns in the menu again to select another report.
Related Topics
•About Reporting
[Doc#: 1091 - Batch Re-runs]