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Saving Records in the Saved List





The Saved list is a temporary list you can work with during the current login session. Having searched for records, you can add them to a Saved List. The results of several searches can be combined in this way to create one list that can then be processed further, either by requesting, emailing or printing.

 The saved list is lost once you log out of your current session.

To Add a Record to the Saved List

1.Click on the Save button alongside the required record. When you have saved a record the Save button on the record detail will disappear.

2.Click OK to Result added to saved list prompt.

3.Select more records to add to your Saved List in this way - from the current hit-list or via new searches.

4.When you are ready to view the records in your Saved List click on the saved list button at the top of the screen.

To View items in the Saved List

Click on the saved list button at the top of the screen. This displays the My Saved List page. You can browse the records and view their details via the details button (click the saved list button to return to the saved list page). Alternatively change the display of all records from the default brief display to the details display using the Display format box. To view e.g. all the items you wish to print, by bringing them to the top of the list, click the check box in the record detail and select the Print option in Bring selected items to top.

To Remove Items from the Saved List


Click delete in the record hit-list to remove the item from your saved list immediately. Alternatively to delay and first review items for removal:


1.Tick the check box next to the items.

2.To review all the 'Remove' items together before removing, click the button Bring selected items to top.

3.When ready, click on the Remove button.

4.The selected list is re-displayed without the removed items.


To Email Items from the Saved List


You may wish to select a number of records and email them to yourself or colleagues for future reference:


1.Access the Saved List.

2.Click the check box next to the relevant records.

3.To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top.

4.When ready click Email button.

5.Preview the items and confirm the email address and subject line.

6.Select from Mail format whether to email a brief citation format, or the full details format.

7.Click email button.


To Print Items from the Saved List

 To print selected records from your saved list:


1.Access the Saved List.

2.Click the check box next to the relevant records.

3.To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top.

4.When ready click Print button.

5.Choose from Citation or Details format.

6.Click Print to obtain the Windows print dialog.


To Request Items from the Saved List

 You can create a new request using the bibliographic details of an item in the saved list.


1.Click the save button next to the relevant record in the hit-list.

2.Click on the Saved List button.

3.Click Selected for each record to be turned into a request.

4.Click the Request button.

5.This copies the bibliographic details of each selected record on to a Request form.



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[Doc#: 1017 - Saving Records in the Saved List]





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