A saved search enables you to store the search criteria of any search and then re-execute it at any time. Every time you re-execute the saved search the results set is updated to include any new records added to the Collections since you last ran the search. This is useful especially for more complex searches created in Advanced Searching. The saved search remains available for use at a later date and is only removed when you choose to delete it. Saved searches are retained even after you have logged out.
To Save a Search
1.In the Standard or Advanced search screen choose suitable Collections and enter your search criteria as usual.
2.Execute the search (and if you need to refine it further you can click on the history button at the top of the screen and then the edit button to refine the search further).
3.In the Results screen to save this search, click on the Save search link at the top of the page.
4.Enter an appropriate title for your saved search and save
5.The Your Saved Searches screen shows details about the saved search.
6.The following options are available:
Edit: returns you to the Advanced search screen in order to change search criteria or collection details.
Re-run: reruns the search and takes you back to the Results screen to await results. You can then re-save the search using the link provided.
Delete: immediately deletes all details of the saved search without further prompts.
To Access a Saved Search
To access the list of saved searches at a later date, click on the searches button at the top of the search screens. All saved searches relevant to your personal login are listed. You can then Re-run, Edit or Delete them.
To re-run a search using the same search criteria, click on the Re-run link. This will repeat the saved search without the option to change any of the search criteria. Any records added to the Collections being searched will automatically be included in the new set of search results.
To Edit a Saved Search
1.Access your list of saved searches using the searches button at the top of the screen.
2.In order to amend a search, rather than simply re-running it, click on the Edit link from the list of saved searches.
3.The Advanced Search screen displays for you to modify the search.
4.Submit the search in order to use the save search link to save the changes.
If an edited search is saved it creates a new saved search, rather than over-writing the previous search.
To Delete a Saved Search
1.Access the list of saved searches using the searches button at the top of the screen.
2.Click on the delete button next to the search that is no longer required.
3.The list of Saved Searches will refresh and the deleted search no longer appears.
Related Topics
•Advanced Searching
•Saving Records in the Saved List
•Search History
[Doc#: 1014 - Saving Your Searches]