Searches performed during a VDX session can be re-run, even if they have not been saved, up to the point where you log out of the system. To find searches to re-run, click on the history link at the top of the page.
This displays a list of the searches you have run during your current session. You can then edit and re-execute a search as required using the 'edit' and 're-run' links on the screen.
•Applying 're-run' to a search will repeat the identical search with the same search terms and Collections.
•Using 'edit' lets you modify the search terms and Collections previously used. Click on the edit button to go to the Advanced Search screen in order to make the changes to the search.
Any searches conducted during a session will be lost when the user logs out. Searches can however be saved.
Related Topics
•Advanced Searching
•Saving Your Searches
•Search Status
•Standard Searching
•Viewing Record Details
[Doc#: 1016 - Search History]