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Summary of Reports




The availability of these reports will depend on the set up of each individual VDX system. The availability of reports is dependent on the set up of the Resource Groups which defines which reports are available.


Average and Maximum Supply Times by Supplier

This counts supply days for the fulfilled requests received by your library from other libraries or suppliers. The performance figures show the average and maximum days for each of your library’s suppliers. This is calculated on the received date minus the entry date of the request.


Average and Maximum Supply Times to Requesters

This counts the supply days for the requests made of your library by other libraries. It measures the performance of your own library at supplying material. This is calculated on the shipped date of the request minus the request date.


Batch Re-runs

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This is a list of all patron/user last names in the entire system in VDX internal ID number order. The Start and End Date fields are not valid for this report. 


Copy Requested per Title

This is a borrower/requester report of Copy requests ordered by Title. Results are returned for the current user's home location only.


Copy Supplied per Title

This is a lender/responder report listing all Copy requests that have been shipped. Ordered by Title. Results are returned for the current user's home location only. 


Daily Statistics

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ILLS Not Supplied Received

This counts how many Requests there are at your location, as a Borrower/Requester, at the NOT SUPPLIED status. This is just at the location the user is currently logged in at. The total number of the NOT SUPPLIED responses is shown regardless of the Action that caused the NOT SUPPLIED status.


ILLS Not Supplied Sent

This counts how many Requests there are at your location, as a Responder, at the NOT SUPPLIED status. This is just at the location the user is currently logged in at. The total number of the NOT SUPPLIED responses is shown regardless of the Action that caused the NOT SUPPLIED status.


ILLS Shipped but not Received

This lists brief records of items your location has actioned as SHIPPED without a subsequent action of Received made by the requesting location.


Incoming Requests by Requester

This shows the number of Requests sent to your library, listed by each Borrower/Requester. This report lists only requests that are currently at your library or for which your library was the last lender/responder. It can be limited by the date the request was first created by the borrower/requester.


Incomplete Requests - as Requester

This lists all requests that are not Complete and if Loan request either Canceled or Returned or if Copy request Canceled or Received. Only returns results for the current user's home location.


Incomplete Requests - as Responder

Selects all incomplete requests for your Location as the lender/responder. Displays the ILL number, Borrower/Requester Symbol, date of last ILL action, current ILL Status, and whether Loan or Copy is being requested.


Loan Requested per Title

This is a borrower/requester report of Loan requests ordered by Title. Results are returned for the current users home location only.


Loan Supplied per Title

This is a lender/responder report listing all Loan requests that have been shipped. Ordered by Title. Results are returned for the current users home location only.


Monthly ILL Statistics

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Outgoing requests by Supplier

This shows the current or last supplier and number of requests made by your location to that supplier between the specified dates. The dates are the date of the request was first made, not the date the request was sent to that particular supplier.



For general request processing the most important report is the Pick-list and the Standard Pick-list report. These reports allows you as the responding location to print incoming request records in order to facilitate pulling the material from the shelves for fulfillment. The Standard Pick-list report is a more up to date version of the original Pick-list. 



Requester ILL Status Summary Unread and Idle Requests Suspended

This is a list of statuses with a count of requests at that status that are either Unread or are Idle and at Check Manual. Returns results for the current user's home location only.


Requests awaiting authorization

Requesters requests at 'idle' with authorization status of:


For Manual Authorization

To be authorized



Requests by days of the week

This reports show two lists: the number of requests received by your library for each day of the week, and the number of requests made by your library to other locations for each day of the week within the specified period.


Responder ILL Status Summary Unread

This is a list of statuses with a count of how many lender/responder side requests are at that status and Unread. Returns results for the current user's home location only.


Standard Locally Held List

Reports on requesters requests which are idle and have authorization status of 'to be authorized' and are flagged as being held locally.


Standard Pick-list

This lists bibliographic information used by a lender/responder to retrieve requested items. The output is in PDF format. Once a request has been printed on a Picklist, it will not be included in future Pick-lists. However it can be found again by selecting the appropriate report in Batch Re-runs.


Standard Received list

This lists items which the requesting location has actioned as RECEIVED. The output is in PDF format. Once a request has been printed on a Received List, it will not be included in future Received Lists. However it can be found again by checking the appropriate Standard Received List in Batch Reruns  

Some field definitions:


For: This combines the Forename and Last Name of the Requesting User record’s Details.


Phone: This is from the Requesting Location Parent record borrower/requester address.


Email: This is from the Requesting Location Parent record borrower/requester address


Pickup: This is showing the VDX Location internal code for the library the material is to be picked up from.


Cost: This is from the Request record, if a cost is included in the record, otherwise it is left blank.


Request Number: This is the original Borrower/Requester ILL no. 


Supplying Library: This is the Lender/Responder Location name.


Title: This is the bibliographic title of the requested material from the Request record sent to Lenders (Responders). .


Return by: This is the due date from the Responder.


Notes: This note is from the request’s note field. 


Standard Returned list

This lists items the requesting location has actioned as RETURNED. These can be used as return mailing labels. The output is in PDF format. Once an item has been printed on a Returned List, it will not be included in future Returned Lists. The item can be found in the appropriate Standard Returned List in Batch Rerun reports.


Reference Number: the ILL number from the Requesting Location.


Order Date: the original entry date of when the request was created.


Standard Shipping list

This list can be used for shipping slips for routing materials. The output is in PDF format. Once a request has been printed on a Shipping List, it will not be included in future Shipping Lists. However it can be found in the appropriate Standard Shipping List in Batch Rerun reports. 


Unread Requests Requiring Action - as Requester 

Lists all Copy and Loan requests that are Unread and the last action was one of the following:




Renew Answer-No-Indication

Renew Answer-Yes-Indication



Cancel Reply-No-Indication

Cancel Reply-Yes-Indication

Answer Hold-Indication

Answer Conditional-Indication


Returns results for the current user's home location only.


Unread Requests Requiring Action - as Responder 

 Lists all Copy and Loan requests that are Unread and the last action was one of the following:







Conditional Reply-No-Indication

Conditional Reply-Yes-Indication


Lists results for the current user's home location only.


Work Queue

 Report showing configurable work queue.



[Doc#: 1088 - Summary of Reports]






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