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Editing User Details





This section describes how to use the Web Client to manage user details records at your location . You must be a user with ILL Administrator level privileges in order to do this. When users are registered in the VDX system, they are assigned to a specific location. You will only be able manage users assigned to your location. New User Details records that you create will be assigned to your location automatically by the VDX system.    

The ability to view and change records is determined by the privileges assigned to specific users so you may need to check on local policy.

End users who access ZPORTAL may also be able to change some details on their own user record. This depends on whether this facility has been configured by OCLC NRE/VDX Support. If enabled, end users can change their password and change their address details.

What can you edit?

A user record can be deleted in the VDX Web client, by entering "DELETE" in the users surname.  A weekly script is run to delete user if all their request are complete.


Users can also be marked as 'expired' in the Web client. Marking a user record as expired means that the Expiry Date is changed to the current date, and the user cannot log in to the VDX system and place requests etc.


You can also prevent a user from logging in to ZPORTAL (configurable in ZPORTAL), and prevent them from placing requests in VDX, by 'banning' them. Any details on the user record can be updated - such as address details - by accessing the same pages used when creating user records.


Another task you can do with a user record is update the user password. This synchronises the patron /user authentication service .

What would you like to do?

Edit a user record

1.Click on the user link on the left hand menu pane.

2.Obtain the relevant user record using the User Search screen.

3.In the user details screen, click Edit.

4.Make the relevant changes. Click on Save on completion.


Expiring users


The expire button allows you to mark a user record as expired. A user record can only be marked as expired if the user has no outstanding requests.


Before using the expire button, check the requests attached to that user's record.


1.To check, click on the request button in the left-hand, vertical menu bar.

2.In the ILL Request Search screen in the Other Fields section, select Client Name from the drop-down menu in the first box, and type in the name on the User record you are investigating.

3.Click the submit button. Any ‘live’ requests ordered against the User record will be listed.


If there are requests still outstanding, you will not be able to mark the User record as expired. In this case, you will need to check out the requests and resolve outstanding transactions first.


If there are no requests outstanding, in the User Search screen, retrieve the user record you wish to mark as expired.


1.Obtain the hit-list display by clicking the results button at the top of the screen

2.Click the expire button to the right of the user record.

3.You are asked to confirm that you want to mark the record as expired. Click OK

4.You are returned to the User Search screen.


If you check the user record again using the details button, you will see that the Expiry Date has been altered to the current date.


Update password

For User records stored on the VDX system or on a SIP server database -


1.Click the user button in the left hand menu pane.

2.Search and obtain the relevant user record.

3.Click edit.

4.Enter the new password in both the Password and Confirm Password fields.

5.Check the Update Password box.

6.Click Save to save the change.


Ban a user

From the User Details screen, you can also ban a user:


1.Click the user button in the left hand menu pane.

2.Search and obtain the relevant user record.

3.Click edit.

4.The default setting for the Banned in VDX box is No.

5.Use the pull down box to change to Yes.

6.Click Save to save the change.


End users access VDX through the ZPORTAL interface. Once the Banned option is set to Yes, they cannot place requests through ZPORTAL. Depending on ZPORTAL configuration they may also not be able to log in.


 ILL Staff cannot place requests on the user's behalf until the Banned status is lifted.


Change user address

 To change the address -


1.Click the user button in the left hand menu pane.

2.Search and obtain the relevant user record.

3.Click edit.

4.Click the new address button at the foot of the page.

5.This takes you to the same screen used when creating user records. Any details can be edited.

6.Click on new address. You can over-type the address details as required.

7.On completion save&close.


You can also add an additional address by selecting a new address type from the pull down box. Enter new details and save&close.


 There is only one set of details available for each Address Type. Any changes you make to address details for an existing Address Type will overwrite the previous address details.


Related Topics


About Users

Create New Users Details

Field Details:Users

Searching for User Details


[Doc#: 1022 - Editing User Details]





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